5 Questions with… Writer/Creator D.P. Brown

1) On what project are you currently working?
I am currently working my creator owned independent comic The Theme of Thieves! It’s about two teens and a mysterious being who travel through time to try to solve the mystery of why people are disappearing in the present. It’s Lost meets Quantum Leap meets The Wire. If you’re into sci-and mystery comics mixed with social commentary then you’ll love The Theme of Thieves!

2) Whom in your field do you admire most and why?
I’m a big fan of Alan Moore creator of the 1980s classic Watchmen. I love the way he crafts stories that not only entertain you but make you think. He presents his material in a way that provide a reflection of the times that we live in with a sci-fi twist that can get weird.

3) How did you get into the comic book field?
My dad gave me an Amazing Spider-Man comic when I was five years old and I’ve been hooked ever since! I always wanted to make my own comic but for a long time never saw it as a worthwhile way to make a living and the society changed and now what was once a medium that got made fun of is all the rage! I just started self-producing my comics through Kickstarter about a couple of years ago and have since found an audience for my stuff that makes it worthwhile.

4) On which title would you most like to work and why?
There is no specific comic title I would like to work on. Although I love the superhero genre I feel I don’t really have anything to add to it. If I ever get the opportunity I would like to write and produce a Knight Rider TV series for the modern age! Maybe I can make the comic first then get it adapted.

5) On what project will you be working next?
The Theme of Thieves is an ongoing series so I’m working on subsequent issues. I am also working on a satirical news website (www.forthesakeofthecity.com) that features ancillary material related to events that happen in my comic. The idea was inspired by the way Alan Moore presented his ancillary material and the end of each issue of Watchmen. I’m really excited to see how people react similarly to what I’m trying in the modern era.

Follow Brown in the following:
His email address is: dp*****@kr*********.com

