Return of the Joke–the Trickster!! The Flash S1 Ep.17 Recap!!


Hamill is reunited with Shipp in this daring prison escape.

Hamill is reunited with Shipp in this daring prison escape.

Flash rushes to the scene where a man calling himself the Trickster drops bomb a playground with presents. Joe West is familiar with the Trickster and he and Barry go to Iron Heights Prison to speak with mad man. James Jesse tells them that this Trickster has found his lair. Joe and Barry go to the warehouse where James has his toys stored only to find it booby trapped and all items stolen. They return to Iron Heights to figure out the new Trickster’s next move. James Jesse tells them that he had a bomb powerful enough the level Central City. The Trickster posts a podcast of himself with the bomb eh stole and placed it somewhere in the city. The Flash races through the city searching for the bomb only to eventually find an empty crate. The Trickster used the bomb as a diversion to break James Jesse out of prison, taking Henry Allen hostage which upsets Barry. Meanwhile, James Jesse is at a fund raiser for the Mayor where he demands the attendees to forward money to an account written on the bottom of the wine glasses before the poison they were given takes effect. Flash arrives at City Hall where he has a bomb is placed on him which will explode if his speed drops below 600mph. Flash runs through the city. With help from Wells, he is able to remove the bomb. Flash returns to City Hall and gives everyone the antidote to the poison. He gets James Jesse to reveal where Henry Allen is being held and frees him. Later, Barry reveals himself to Eddie Thawne.

Above picture: Mark Hamill as the Trickster in the 1990 Flash series with John Wesley Shipp. Below picture: Hamill reprises his Trickster role which directly references to the CBS series 20 years ago.

Above picture: Mark Hamill as the Trickster in the 1990 Flash series with John Wesley Shipp. Below picture: Hamill reprises his Trickster role which directly references to the CBS series 20 years ago.

This series just keep getting better and, like its crimson suited speedster, shows no signs of slowing down! Mark Hamill portrays James Jesse aka the Trickster. All I kept thinking was him as the Joker for this series. That creepy voice and that deranged laugh reminded us why he was more than suited to be behind the crimson grin of the Clown Prince of Crime. Forget Barry and the mystery gang at Star Labs, this was Mark’s shining glory. His performance was brilliant as always. Of course, this is not the first time he has played the character. He was reunited with John Wesley Shipp who played the Flash in the 1990s series where Hamill first donned the Trickster outfit. But one Trickster is not enough fun. The Axel Walker version was also featured for double the entertainment. He is first seen as a copycat of the original Trickster until it is revealed that Axel is James’ son. And yes, Mark Hamill did indeed quote the line that was spoken to him when he played Luke Skywalker in Star Wars. “Axel, my boy, I am your father.” No lie, I squealed like a school girl when he said it! He is an amazing performer and character actor and he delivered another deadpan performance in this episode! And I hope this isn’t the last we see of the Trickster. Just ask Batman.

A lot about Harrison Wells was revealed including the truth behind his identity as Eobard Thawne. When he was trapped in the past, Eobard needed a way to return to the future. Since he knows about future events, he seeks out Harrison Wells who was once in love and a fun loving guy. Eobard pulls an “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” and uses a device to steal Wells identity…literally. Eobard became Wells is now Jedi training Barry to become better with his powers so he can use them to return to the 30th century. However, this may not come to fruition as Barry has deduced that Harrison Wells is the Reverse-Flash and his mother’s murderer.

See Mark Hamill as the Trickster in the 1990 Flash series!!
