TAKII 14 – The Recap

Once again, we were able to provide coverage for an awesome event in Philadelphia titled TAKII. If you don’t know what TAKII is (and you should by now), TAKII stands for The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational and it is the “world’s most extreme Asian music/gaming festival” held twice a year in Philadelphia. Created by Damien “D-Chan” Christopher, TAKII has been around for over 6 years, celebrating over 12 seasons with many dedicated fans. This past season “New Year’s Evolution” was the perfect way for TAKII fans across the city to ring in the new years in the only way they knew how.

TAKII attendees posing for the camera.

I think the best phrase to describe this season of TAKII is “expect the unexpected”. This season had a lot of awesome moments, including the Asian American Idol talent show. The contestants truly brought their A-game this year in the form of dance, showcasing a lot of fancy footwork, tight coreography and just awesome moves that got people off their feet. One of the best entries I saw this year was a contestant who pulled off a great routine based off Usher’s “Scream”. The Makenai concert was also another surprise where instead of the multiple acts, they showcased a J-Pop/J-Rock cover group from New York by the name of Sneko. And honestly, they were a great act to watch.

J-pop Group Sneko performing at the Makenai Concert.

As much as the planned activities were great to watch and participate in, a lot of the highlights came in those unexpected moments. From D-Chan himself providing a special performance at the end of the Asian American Idol, to the 3-hour rave on Sunday night (which is the longest dance party TAKII has ever thrown), there was a lot to talk about. So if you missed TAKII 14 and everything that went with it, you missed a lot. But don’t worry, you can always head to the TAKII homepage to check out all the pics, videos, and more on what happened in it’s 14th season.


As always, you can check out the TAKII site here: http://takii.pdnmz.com/
And season 15 has been announced for May 24th and 25th. See ya there!
