I am Green Arrow!! Arrow Season 4 Episode 1 Recap!!



Diggle, Thea, and Laurel continue fighting crime in Star City, recently renamed in Ray’s honor. City leadership, which includes Captain Quentin Lance, meet to discuss a group of criminals named the “Ghosts”, who are terrorizing the city. Damien Darhk shows up, claiming to control the Ghosts and warning the city leaders to stand aside and let the city die. After they refuse, Darhk systematically begins assassinating each of them, but fails to kill Lance. Laurel and Thea contact Oliver, asking him to return to help them stop the Ghosts, much to the disagreement of Diggle. The team tracks the Ghosts, where they witness Darhk using some form of mystical energy manipulation. Working together, the team stop his plot to kill hundreds at a train station. Afterward, Oliver takes the name “Green Arrow” and broadcasts a message to the city vowing to be a beacon of hope, while Lance is revealed to be working with Darhk. In a flashforward to six months later, Oliver and Barry stand at a freshly filled grave; the name is not revealed. In flashbacks, Amanda Waller finds Oliver and forces him back on Lian Yu to assess a new threat.

Neal McDonough (Dum Dum Dugan in the Marvel Cinematic Universe) portrays Damien Darhk

Neal McDonough (Dum Dum Dugan in the Marvel Cinematic Universe) portrays Damien Darhk

Suit up! Arrow is back and ready to take aim for the fourth season! Oliver and Felicity with living the suite life in the suburbs and when they are called back to Star City now renamed following the death of Ray Palmer. A new thread has arrived in the form of Damien Darhk. DC fans will recall Damian as an enemy of the Teen Titans and having a connection with the H.I.V.E. damien retain much of his incarnation from the comics, being a criminal mastermind, being an enigmatic character, and possessing a large supply of high-tech weaponry unknown any organization. He was hinted at last season by Ra’s Al Ghul and now appears to be a major player this season being behind some events that happened throughout the series. He displays the mystical properties that were talking about at Comic Con by killing a man simply by touching him. Neal McDonough portrays this character extremely well. He makes him do dang creepy, which is a contrast to his role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Dum Dum Dugan. Several changes have come about in this season. Starling city is now called Star City as it is in the comics and Oliver Queen finally takes up the mantle of Green Arrow. But with these changes Oliver realizes that things are still the same. John Diggle still has not forgiven Oliver for kidnapping his wife when he was pretending to be with the League of Assassins. This could illustrate a renewed tension between them, just like when Oliver first started out as the Arrow. Rule number one: you mess with the man’s family, you mess with the man. And Oliver broke that rule. It’s going to take a whole lot of convincing on Oliver’s part to get back into the fold with Diggle, so for now they got to play as they try to save their city before it is plunged into Darhk-ness.
