Cosplay Spotlight: Amy Nicole Cosplay

done10153132_590831604358186_8440676430616450562_nAmy Nicole Cosplay, this is your week in our COSPLAY SPOTLIGHT!!

Why do you cosplay?

I cosplay because it challenges me on so many levels. I’m always trying to learn a new skill, do something better than I did the last time. Cosplay is such a fulfilling hobby, especially when I get to share my work with others. It’s fun, it’s inspiring, and it’s my ultimate creative outlet.

What was your first cosplay?

My first cosplay was Lara Croft at Supercon 2013 in Miami.

Do you make your own cosplay costumes, if so, which ones, and how long does an average costume take to make?

I do make my own cosplays. If not completely handmade, then I’ve taken parts and pieces and edited them to suit the certain function or look I’m after. The time it takes depends a lot on what the project is – sewing, crafting, aging, etc. As any cosplayer can tell you, your project doesn’t always work out flawlessly the first time around, especially when trying something new! I’ve finished some cosplays in a couple days, others I’ve been working on for months.

Who is your favorite character to play?

Right now, my favorite cosplay is Black Widow. She’s such a recognizable character and always gets a great crowd response. It’s just too much fun to stalk around a convention hall in a bodysuit, boots, and tactical gear!

Amongst animation, comics, movies, or video games, what is your biggest inspiration for cosplay?

I’m a self-proclaimed movie buff, so naturally they’re my biggest inspiration. I’m starting to branch out into more comic-inspired cosplays. I enjoy the freedom of taking a 2D artist’s rendering and deciding how to recreate it as a wearable costume and props. The comic world is FULL of amazing character interpretations that make for great costume inspiration.

Have you ever made any mistakes that you’d warn a first timer about?

Don’t forget to have fun! Really take the time to relax and enjoy being a part of the cosplay community. Remember why you decided to do this in the first place. Oh, and beware of hot glue guns – they are indeed very hot!

Are there certain characters that are easier to cosplay as than others?

I find that the more passionate and intrigued by a character I am, the easier it is to cosplay them well. I enjoy cosplaying intelligent, strong, badasses that walk the line between good and bad. They’re definitely the most fun and easiest to cosplay!

Photographers (in no particular order):

Mic Conteh of MI Vision Photography/Cosplay
Richard Johnson of Spectacle Photo
Emily Rachel of Short Fuse Pinups
Ricky Brigante of Distant Creations
Jake Jacobowitz
Lawrence Losciale


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Instagram – amynicolecosplay
