Cosplay Spotlight: Alexia Jean Grey

Introducing Alexia Jean Grey, our newest addition to our COSPLAY SPOTLIGHT!!!!!

Why do you cosplay?

There are many reasons why I dress up in spandex but most of all I get to express my creativity and being able to show my nerdy self. Growing up I always idolized super heroines, not only are they pretty but more importantly there strong, intelligent, courageous  and fierce warriors. I always wanted to be a superhero as opposed to being “rich or famous” costuming get’s me as close as I can get to show my emotional attachment to these characters which triggered me into wanting to dress up. I was always a pretty creative person but costuming gave me a challenge, to use different parts of my imagination and using all different forms or art to create something from nothing. It’s a balance of being able to recreate something but being able to make it your own and become a walking piece of artwork. I also love modeling the pieces, I feel that’s where my strengths show is when I get to portray a certain character.

What was your first cosplay?

My first cosplay was Kasumi from Dead Or Alive, my friend Emily Galea who had experience in crafting costumes and theater make-up. The first costume I did was to get my feet wet and I really enjoyed my first costume it had a very positive response, I have been looking into doing the new vewrions ok Kasumi for the new DOA coming this year.

Do you make your own cosplay costumes? If so, which ones, and how long does an average costume take to make?

Each costume is different, usually I need at least a month to order, make, and assemble everything before wearable. More often than not I slowly change and add things through out the months of wearing them I believe the only costume I have that is 100 % complete. I do make a lot of my own pieces but I love working with other artists. Jester Fx’s was the one who made the Batgirl armor and he did a amazing job. I also work closey with Rage Custom Creations who helps assemble a lot of my costumes.  Even if I do not some make pieces of my costumes  I am just as proud to wear them, there is nothing more honorable then being chosen to model another artist’s work.

Who is your favorite character to play?

That is a very hard decision but I think I have to go with Black Widow. Even though she probably my simplest costume I have the most fun wearing her. At conventions I often jump on tables, some flexible gymnastics, and step on people for photos. It’s honestly a blast walking around as her. I also love wearing her because of the type of character she is. She’s always calm and collected and can out smart people. I find her completely awesome that (don’t get me wrong superpowers are cool) but she’s just a highly trained girl that can kick butt. She fight’s amongst the greatest heros and against tough villains with out having powers. That girl has some courage.

Amongst animation, comics, movies, or video games, what is your biggest inspiration for cosplay?

I don’t have one specific person that inspires me. I take it from the comic book world in general. When picking a character I pick based off what I see in that person that I also see in myself. I think when you emotionally attach yourself to a character is when you can play the role the best. I always have a lot of people suggestion characters/costume to me, and I may like the costume, and the character may be cool, but I need to see qualities that I share with that person.

Have you ever made any mistakes that you’d warn a first timer about?

No matter if your new or expirenced you are going to make mistakes. That’s the process of growing as a person, so advice don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Sometime’s they can turn out to be successful  Example being when I cut the part of my costume wrong in the end it looked way better! Another thing I would like to stress is always have fun. I see people take costuming seriously, and what’s the point? Also be careful with the internet, it has been a blessing and a curse for costumers. No matter who you are not everyone is going to be your fan, in fact some people just hate “cosplayers” in general so just let it roll off your shoulders and costume because you want to and not because of others.

Are there certain characters that are easier to play than others?

I believe if you pick a character your really enjoy and can pull of it should just come naturally. Costuming is about being yourself.. without really being yourself. There are costumes that are harder to construct yes, but if you have the passion for a character it should come with ease.

Is there any advice you want to give to new cosplayers or people too shy to cosplay?

It’s the easiest hobby to break out of your shell in all honesty. Before costuming I was super shy, and over the years it has helped me grow into a more outgoing person. If your ever worried about putting on a costume just remember that conventions are filled with nerds just like you, who will probably be excited to see you in a costume if you know that character. You should never be afraid about it, it’s all about having fun!

You can find more of Alexia Jean Grey here:
